Election feature focus

Feature Focus: Prevent Ballots from Being Marked as Spam

Not all of our Feature Focuses have to be about items you can implement to aid your election. This month I want to highlight something that’s done on our end to increase your voter turnout.


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Election fun facts

The World’s First Democratically Elected Female Head of Government

I’d like to think I have a decent grasp at history. My dad is a huge history buff and is quite the library in his home office. I love listening to him telling me a...

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ElectionBuddy feature focus

Focus: Public or Private Results… That is the Question!

One of the features that makes ElectionBuddy unique over other election software, is that you can customize who gets the view the results – in real time and once the election is complete.

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Tips and tricks for elections

Tips & Tricks: Voting Patterns & Analysis

Being someone who loves numbers and statistic (mainly sports statistics, but still…), I find it’s great you can come up with some interesting patterns and analysis with the raw data we give you in your...

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Election feature focus

Feature Focus: Approval Voting

We’ve already looked Plurality Voting, Preferential Voting, as well as how to organize a Referendum in ElectionBuddy. Approval voting is another election type that is supported in ElectionBuddy, and that’s what we’ll hone...

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